Wind and rain didn’t deter approximately 50 neighbors on Jan. 15 from attending the SCNA annual membership meeting, which was postponed from November because of poor air quality from the Camp Fire.

SCNA Executive Director Terri Shettle reported that the Sierra 2 Center and SCNA are financially strong, with 80 percent of SCNA income derived from Sierra 2 operations. SCNA’s budget is just over $1 million per year. About $90,000 was raised for the ongoing renovation of the 24th Street Theatre.

Senior Center attendance grew 23 percent and Sierra 2 room rental income was up 14 percent. In the first full year of the Learnery’s operations, 552 students attended 55 classes.

However, SCNA revenues dipped. The annual major fundraising events — wine tasting and the home and garden tour — have been underperforming. Legal costs related to lawsuits regarding Crocker Village also added to expenses. A new special events coordinator position was recently posted, and plans call for posting a director of development position.

The board announced that the SCNA bylaws have been changed to comply with the California Corporations Code’s requirements for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Dues-paying members attending the annual meeting will no longer vote for board members. Instead, only board members will vote on its new members.

Three elected officials provided updates about city and county issues.

City Councilmember Jay Schenirer announced that outgoing SCNA President Eric Johnson’s name is being considered for appointment to the city planning commission, District 5, subject to full council approval in February.

Schenirer noted that Regional Transit use has decreased even with cleaner cars and other improvements. He has proposed increasing ridership by offering free rides for students from kindergarten through grade 12. He also discussed the homeless challenge and the need to find 100 beds for homeless people in each City Council district.

County Supervisor Phil Serna said the county has received an additional $5 million to enhance services to the homeless population on the American River Parkway and address the challenges of the homeless living on the parkway.

Sacramento City School Board Member Lisa Murawski said the board is reviewing spending reductions to cover deficits for 2019-2020 school year. Ninety percent of the district’s budget is earmarked for salaries and health care benefits, so there is not much flexibility.

SCNA Treasurer and Finance Chair Jonathan LaTurner said a local accounting firm has been retained to help increase the SCNA budget and install new internal controls.

Board Secretary Kate Van Buren, who is also on the Facilities Committee, said SCNA may be due a $10,000 refund from the city for previously paid water costs for the Sierra Green. The Sierra 2 Center will need a new roof within five years, and the cost will be negotiated with the city.

John Mathews of the Neighborhood Concerns Committee addressed the possibility of Sierra 2 hosting a job fair for businesses going into Crocker Village. He also discussed the success of the Cops and Coffee event and how the police officers serving the neighborhood enjoyed the opportunity to speak with neighborhood residents.

By Erik Fay and Susan MacCulloch



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