The Senior Center is a valuable community resource, creating opportunities for seniors to participate and stay actively involved with a larger social network. It is managed by the Program Coordinator, advised by the Senior Committee, overseen by the Executive Director and SCNA board, and assisted by volunteers.

The ‘49ers Plus Center for Older Adults was established by SCNA in November of 2000 to operate two days a week at the Sierra 2 Center. The City of Sacramento, area agencies, and local businesses supported this endeavor, as there wasn’t a safe, organized and accessible place for older adults in the Curtis Park and surrounding area at the time.

In its formative years, Ethel Hart Fund grants, the City of Sacramento, and the SCNA board funded the Senior Center’s operation. In 2006, The Senior Center began raising its own funds and has grown to become a viable program within the Sierra 2 Center operations.

Many activities on the schedule today were started in the early years like Life History Writing, Book Club and the Potluck. Our participants are made up of newer faces, as well as regulars who have played an active role in shaping the Senior Center.