Category: Viewpoint

Notice of Intent to Amend SCNA Bylaws

SCNA Board members have been discussing some bylaw changes that address its current situation relating to the conduct of electronic meetings and providing authority for the Executive Committee to act

Restaurants show support for Black community

‘We Stand With You’ encourages discussion Open conversations can lead to better understanding and societal changes. That was the concept behind 200 Sacramento restaurants participating in the “We Stand With

4 longtime SCNA board members quit

Four longtime members of the SCNA board submitted a joint letter of resignation in mid-June. “It has become increasingly obvious over the past several months that our opinions, thoughts and

What’s up at Sierra 2?

With the shelter-in-place orders announced on March 19, Sierra 2 Center was immediately shuttered. More than three months later, we are still closed as a community center – no classes,

Mystery of ‘Easter egg’ rocks solved

Have you discovered a painted river rock in your front garden? Perhaps your kids detected these small treasures during impromptu family scavenger hunts (leaving the rocks in place). Who is