SCNA has formed an Ad Hoc Committee on the Freeport Bike Lanes Project, now seeking input on NOP

SCNA has formed an Ad Hoc Committee on the Freeport Bike Lanes Project and will be chaired by Andrea Rosen. The City of Sacramento has commenced the environmental review of this Project by issuing the Notice of Preparation. ( You can access this Notice on the Sierra 2 website  or by using  this link :

This Committee will be proposing comments to the SCNA Board in time for submission to the City no later than February 13, 2012.

IF YOU would like to have input to this Committee’s consideration of comments, please email them to no later than February 1, 2012.

You may also want to submit your comments on the Freeport Bike Lane project directly to the City of Sacramento and they are due no later than February 13, 2012.

The NOP period is the time when you advise the City of what you believe should be studied during the environmental review process.

Attached are all of the documents that are including in the Notice of Preparation. 
Freeport Bike Lanes NOP
Alternative 1 (11×17)
Alternative 2 (11×17)
Freeport Study – Existing Section
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4

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