Broadway will become a playground Sunday May 21

The global movement of transforming streets into playgrounds is coming to Sacramento on Sunday, May 21. From 8 a.m. to noon the city will close Broadway from Riverside Boulevard to 26th Street, then turning south to Second Avenue, turning left (east) and extending to in Broadway in Oak Park. Spreading out all along the closed street will be entertainers, entrepreneurs, bicyclists, roller skaters, games, dogs, fitness trainers, yoga instructors and community groups.

This will be the city’s first “Sunday Street” event, created to activate and open up major streets for fun and play for families and to engage neighborhoods in healthy activities of all kinds.

“We are hoping families and friends come out to this unique and playful event,”

Said Tina Reynolds, Board member of the Greater Broadway District and owner of Uptown Studios located on 23rd Street, just off Broadway. “This event is going to make Broadway the happening place.”

“Sunday Street” is sponsored by the Greater Broadway District, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, the city and other organizations.

After the inaugural event on Broadway, the program will be taken to other major streets in Sacramento. For more information, go to the city’s Website. They’re looking for volunteers to assist with this community event. Sign up today to volunteer.

By Rosanna Herber, Viewpoint staff writer

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