Last fall, the streets of Curtis Park were scraped, given a new surface, a temporary seal was applied, and new surface markers were painted. Unfortunately, the streets never received a final sweeping. Several streets almost immediately began experiencing loose gravel that ended up in driveways and sidewalks and has moved down gutters all winter with the rain. Several instances of tar sticking to cars were also reported.

The entire resurfacing and sealing project was originally planned for completion in four days, but our record-breaking rain caused delays in finishing the project and fixing any problems with the new street surfaces. This work will include the resurfacing of some streets and application of a cape seal to others. Work cannot be done until the rain stops.

The City of Sacramento does not have an exact date and schedule for the project work to resume. A city media person told the Viewpoint last fall that work might resume in mid-March but just provided an update and stated the city is anticipating a return to the project work and impacted Curtis Park streets in mid-May. The City’s Public Works Website currently lists no dates for any work.

Sixteen Curtis Park streets will receive re-work or new work in the permanent cape seal part of the project. Markers for stop signs, bike lines, etc. will be repainted. The impacted streets in Curtis Park are: 10th Avenue, 11th Avenue, 24th Street, 26th Street, 31st Street, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Ninth Avenue, Coleman Way, Curtis Way, Cutter Way, Donner Way, East Curtis Drive, Montgomery Way and West Curtis Drive.

By Erik Fay Viewpoint staff writer

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