Quality of life draws neighbor to serve on the board

With an almost bushy, gray ponytail and a plaid shirt, soft-spoken SCNA board member John Mathews is a man of more talent than you would expect from an engineering draftsman. He graduated from Sac State with a degree in art. When he couldn’t make a go with his paintings, he tried the antique business for a decade. Then it was back to school for a degree in engineering drafting and work with Peters Engineering, where he manages computer aided drafting.

John has lived in his grandparent’s’ 100-year-old home on Fifth Avenue since 1985. Twelve years ago he ran for the SCNA board because his street connects to the development in the railyard.

He has held key positions that affect the neighborhood’s quality of life. Currently John co-chairs the Neighborhood Concerns Committee.

Among its concerns are traffic calming and protecting trees. During elections John also sets up candidate debate nights. He is married to Nicoletta Anselmo, and they live with Carina, a rescue dog. Next year they will celebrate 20 years of marriage with a trip to Venice.

— Judy Scheible

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