SCNA Board Member Larry Easterling: Continuity and guidance with 15 years on the board

Larry Easterling, a Curtis Park resident and real estate broker with Lyon Realty, has served on the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association board for 15 years. He created the Development Committee for the association and has served on it for most of his tenure. The committee oversees all new SCNA fundraising activities. Larry has also served on the board’s Finance Committee for last few years.

Initially, he was recruited by a previous board member. He said he wanted to be more involved in the neighborhood, and he feels that he brings to the board an even keel and consistency because he is not vested in one particular SCNA issue.

He notes it’s important to provide guidance and continuity for specific areas, such as Crocker Village, or for large fundraisers, such as the Home and Garden Tour. Larry also wants to make sure new neighbors know about the association and can get involved if they are interested. “I just really enjoy our neighborhood,” Larry said.

One of his hobbies is remodeling of his family’s home, which was built in 1925. In addition, he appreciates that his family can live on such a close-knit block, where they enjoy progressive dinners and holiday block parties. He and his wife, Lori, have been in the neighborhood for 20 years. They live on Fifth Avenue with their 13-year-old daughter, Tessa.

— Arial Calvert

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