Run Because You Can 5K will come through Curtis Park April 2

By Viewpoint Staff

Local nonprofit Runnin’ for Rhett will hold its seventh annual Run Because You Can 5K April 2. The run will start at Sacramento City College, go over the new foot bridge into Crocker Village, head east on Fifth Avenue, south down 26th, then around William Curtis Park, west on 10th Avenue, south on Crocker Drive, and across the Sutterville overpass back to City College. The run usually has between 2,500 and 3,000 participants, and most of them are children between 8 and 13.

Runnin’ for Rhett is a nonprofit foundation established in December 2007 in memory of Rhett Seevers, who passed away unexpectedly in 2004 at age 7 due to complications from Run Because You Can 5K will come through Curtis Park April 2 cerebral palsy. Since the program began, grants valued at $540,000 have been awarded to 352 schools, allowing nearly 21,000 students to participate in training for their runs.

The foundation recently awarded nearly $80,000 in grants to area schools providing a five-week afterschool training program in preparation for the April run.

The organization is now recruiting volunteers to help with the run. They would love to have Curtis Park neighbors come out and be part of the event.

Volunteers can sign up at

The majority of the runners sign up within the last two weeks before the race. They hope for a large contingency of Curtis Park runners. They have issued a coupon code for $10 off of the race: CURTISPARKRES. It is case sensitive and will expire March 31 at 2 p.m.

Registration is available at

Organizers are working with the Sacramento Police Department on the best path for residents to enter/exit the neighborhood. All residents will be notified with written communication a couple of weeks ahead of the event, and signs will be posted along the route one week prior to race day to be sure the residents who don’t read the notification will be aware of the event in their neighborhood. At this point, it’s expected Sutterville will remain open to traffic. SPD will only shut down one lane.

Neighborhood notification: The residents directly on the course and within two blocks of it will receive a letter with details and a map. Signs will also be placed in the neighborhood.

The area of the course directly around the park is actually on the path inside the park, not on the street. Run organizers are working with Republic Waste Management to supply dumpsters and trash bins. Volunteers will pick up trash on the race course. In this event, there has never been a complaint about trash.

Runnin’ for Rhett does not place security on the route; however, organizers do have SPD officers and vehicles on the course to manage and direct traffic.

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