Road work set for spring will delay traffic calming

The City of Sacramento has scheduled a street resurfacing project in Curtis Park starting around the beginning of April and finishing by June. Most of the streets north of and including Fifth Avenue will receive a cape seal, which is a two-step process. First a chip seal, which is a layer of rock placed in an asphalt emulsion, will be applied and be left to sit for one to two weeks before application of a final layer of slurry seal.

The City will have more details as the construction date approaches. Information will be on their website, flyers mailed to all residents and door hangers placed at every residence indicating the date of road work. There will also be a hotline number. SCNA will have updates on its website and in its emails.

Because of this project, traffic calming devices scheduled for Fifth Ave and 24th Street will be installed after completion of the street sealing.

By John Mathews Viewpoint staff writer

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