Bruce Pierini was enthusiastically welcomed back to the board.
Strategic plan update
Kim Tucker of Impact Foundry shared insight into her experiences with other groups and mentioned that a neighborhood’s satisfaction with its association coincides with the level of communication neighbors receive. One of SCNA’s communication tools is the Viewpoint, the monthly newspaper that SCNA subsidizes.
The board discussed surveying the community to get feedback on our focus points for 5–10 years. It is important for the organization to hear from neighbors about their priorities.
If there is a survey, it would go out after the strategic plan is finished. It was expected to be presented to the Executive Committee in August and finalized at a later date. Neighbors will have a chance for input at a general meeting in November.
John Mathews says there are 76 people who distribute the Viewpoint throughout Curtis Park. Bruce proposed adding a dynamic communications tool to the SCNA website and the Viewpoint. It could be an Ask the Board type column with an editorial/opinion answer in both outlets. Bruce will work with Executive Director Terri Shettle and the website developer to create it.
For a new page on the website, Eric Johnson asked board members to submit three sentences about why they serve and a photo.
Eric reports a meeting is coming with Jay Schenirer to talk about the facility lease.
Executive Director
Terri reported the need for a new Bret Harte teacher to coordinate the volunteer effort at the annual wine tasting event, as the previous teacher is no longer at the school. The Bret Harte Sly Park funds come from this SCNA fundraiser.
Jonathan LaTurner reported that the budget outline shows a $70,000 loss, with many repairs and utility expenses. First Fridays were cancelled, leaving a revenue shortage. However, rental income is over by $20,000. The Senior Center is holding its own and doing well.
John Mathews reports the classes on the website are getting signups/registration. We are looking for teachers to teach a class and make an income. Teachers could offer single or multiple class events.
Development did not meet.
Neighborhood Concerns Committee
New chain link fences are now at the Crocker Village development blocking off streets. A homeless camp over the berm is still there.
Viewpoints may be delivered to homes north of Broadway if we can find a volunteer to make the deliveries. A new volunteer is needed for the 26th Street and Castro Way area.
John is removing the I-buyhouses scam signs going up on Franklin Boulevard. The four signs that appeared on 24th St. were immediately removed.
Dan Pskowski reports some Elm trees have now been treated and others were to be inspected and treated in August. Aerial inspections may not have been done as urban forestry does not maintain the park trees anymore.
The cost to treat trees has soared to about $15,000 for a full cycle of trees in the park. SNCA shoulders the expense for the Curtis Park trees. Personnel did not meet.
Senior Center
Angela Mia reports that volunteer Doug from AARP left. A new person may come on board but in the meantime Katie is doing well. The Hart Senior Center gave the Center a grant, just like last year.
— Submitted by Kate Van Buren, board secretary