Notes from June 6th meeting: SCNA is considering new format for annual wine tasting

Executive Director Terri Shettle reported the Oct. 6 wine tasting event needs a reboot. A smaller, more intimate event is being imagined, along with elegant culinary samples and a possible sit-down dinner underneath tents.

The fiscal year 2018-19 budget is being finalized but the strategic plan is still evolving, which may affect the second to fourth quarters. We will continue with normal operations at the Sierra 2 Center during the first quarter, discussing issues and updating as needed.

The Sierra 2 Center submitted an application for a SMUD Shine grant with a June 24 deadline. Sacramento County Economic Development Group is also accepting applications for grants addressing community based projects from $10,000 to $100,000. Heather Hogan is leading the grant-writing process.

Terri and her staff are discussing building capacity. The Learnery is growing and needs a dedicated space, which may involve moving some tenants to other spaces.

A new sculpture will be installed in the courtyard, with native plants to attract butterflies. The sculpture will be finished in August, and the planting will be finished in September. A creative economy grant will finance the project, which is intended to repopulate Curtis Park’s butterflies.

In Alliance, a nonprofit working with adults with disabilities, will be cleaning glass and doing janitorial duties at the Sierra 2 Center.


Jonathan LaTurner reported income from the Sierra 2 Center is strong, but donations have been down. There are no major changes to the balance sheet. Money still needs to come in to pay for theater improvements. So far, only $45,000 has been raised. Theater seats are still available to sponsor. There will be an award sale in July to sell the old theater seats. Heather Hogan will “outdoor proof ” a sample seat so the public can imagine the different uses for these historic seats.

Neighborhood Concerns

Dan Pskowski reported that an aerial inspection of the elms in Curtis Park will not be available until the fall. The inspection was requested because the health of the trees should be confirmed before expensive treatments are applied. Five trees will be treated in July. Fourth Avenue residents contacted the committee when commercial trucks started using the street as a pass-through, damaging the tree canopy. A sign restricting commercial trucks has been requested.

Dan reported roadwork triggered the city to swiftly prune trees so contractors’ trucks could park on the streets. However, it is not the right time to prune elm trees, because not only could pruning damage the trees, but could attract beetles. Contractors were asked to drive carefully around lower branches instead. Urban Forestry is updating the tree inventory.

Crocker Village’s plan for 83 paseo homes has been approved, but the city did not include the pedestrian pathway from the homes to the commercial area that SCNA, the developer and city planners agreed upon in 2010. The new homes will have their own HOA unless they merge with the one that has already been formed.

Senior Center

Angela Mia reported attendance was up 21 percent from May. Popular teacher Tara Stiles came back for one class. The Women’s Friendship group has 27 people. The Free Fridays open house brought in 61 people. Pilates with Lauren is still one of the most popular classes. A group that plays bridge has been meeting at Sierra 2 temporarily. Teachers are still needed for the skills workshops.

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