Notes from June 5 meeting: SCNA takes no position on removal of giant cedar

A giant Deodar cedar tree at 25th Street and Donner Way was posted for removal due to possible structural damage. A visible crack high on the trunk caused the homeowner to ask for the private protected tree to be cut down due to concerns over potential public harm due to falling branches or major failure of the trunk. Some families call this majestic old tree “one of the guardians” of Curtis Park. A neighbor filed an appeal. The board discussed the issue but did not take a position on appealing the tree removal.

At the city’s appeal hearing June 7, it was noted that no aerial inspection was performed to determine the extent of the cracks or if bolting and pruning could mitigate this structural issue. Tree support systems can be used to provide supplemental support and can reduce the risks. Curtis Park residents asked for the city to require an aerial inspection by a certified arborist and expressed their concerns about losing another majestic tree in our shrinking canopy. City officials said they would make a decision within 30 days to ask for further inspection of the tree or grant the removal request.

Measure U

Councilmember Jay Schenirer and neighbor Mimi Budd led a board discussion on where the new tax revenue from Measure U should be spent. Budd asked the board to write a letter asking the city to dedicate funds toward the priorities articulated in their Measure U campaign.

Schenirer gave an update on the status of Measure U, economic development projects, and the budget and audit committees.

City Council passed the budget that the city manager proposed. Starting Sept.15, free transit passes will be available for students who live or go to school in the city. Library hours will be extended. Projects are underway to improve code enforcement and community centers in underserved neighborhoods.

SCNA board President Andi Liebenbaum wrote a letter to City Council and Mayor Darrell Steinberg regarding uses of Measure U funds. “As projects are identified for possible Measure U investment, our elected and appointed city leaders must remember that the dollars generated by the new/ additional half-cent Measure U sales tax are to be used to create an inclusive economy that works for and values all of Sacramento’s residents,” she wrote. “That means historically, chronically or newly depressed and struggling neighborhoods need the investments of infrastructure, programs, services and opportunities that Measure U can fund.”


Viewpoint is celebrating its 40th anniversary in July. Hundreds of volunteers throughout the years have kept the community newspaper going. According to production manager Carol Blackman, Viewpoint has 17 active writers, including Sierra 2 staff and at least five board members.

From time to time, neighbors submit opinion pieces. About 90 volunteers distribute the paper, under Gerre Buehler’s management for more than three decades. Fran Coletti has handled ads and billing for a number of years.

—Charles Angelis, board member for Kate Van Buren, board secretary

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