SCNA’s executive board for 2019 was elected with unanimous consent. The new SCNA president is Andi Liebenbaum. Jonathan LaTurner is treasurer, Kate Van Buren is secretary and Kat Haro is member at large. The vice president is to be determined when the incumbent, Bruce Pierini, returns from his travels.
Next meeting: The next regular meeting of the SCNA board will begin at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6 in the Garden Room at Sierra 2.
Facilities Chair Andrew Booth developed a statement of work to clarify what SCNA and the city are each responsible for. The Facilities Committee acts as advisory oversight for the building and grounds and will collaborate with the Finance and Development committees for upcoming capital improvements. Currently, there is no clear understanding of SCNA’s duties as tenant in respect to large maintenance issues.
Neighborhood Concerns
John Mathews reported that the committee would like to co-sponsor a job fair, host two Cops and Coffee events, create and distribute public service announcements, host community forums, re-engage the Sierra 2 Dogxilliary, and organize neighborhood park projects in 2019.
Development Chair Kat Haro advised that the committee will focus on how to execute and support efforts to be a community hub, reach out on a regional level to educate people about what is going on at the center, create a volunteer database, and audit events to ensure they are relevant and valuable to the public.
Finance Chair Jonathan LaTurner will continue financial oversight, budgeting, planning and monitoring. Innovative Solutions was hired to provide strategic accounting services, which will give Executive Director Terri Shettle more time to focus on other issues. Jonathan is also co-chair of the Governance Committee, which ensures staff follows protocols. The board voted to transfer its finances and credit card processors to SAFE Credit Union, which will save up to $4,000 per year in fees. The board approved a revised Investment Policy Statement.
Senior Center
Angela Mia said the Senior Center continues to be a channel of communication to a growing population. It provides relevant programming and provides revenue. The annual appeal letters have been sent out.
Home Tour
Home Tour Chair Lori Harder would like board members to speak with neighbors about opening their homes in April. The Home Tour is one of SCNA’s largest fundraisers, and draws hundreds of people from all over the region, highlighting the uniquely welcoming ambiance of Curtis Park.