NextDoor: Proposed homeless shelter draws emotional comments

The proposed homeless shelter on X Street near Alhambra Boulevard drew more than 300 comments in March and April on NextDoor.

A March 28 town hall meeting in Curtis Hall chaired by Councilmember Jay Schenirer drew a standing room-only audience. The tent shelter would be a triage unit to house 100 people and provide a variety of resources to assist homeless people in finding jobs, and addressing health and addiction issues. Toilets and showers will be provided.

NextDoor drew many emotional comments on several sides of the various homeless concerns. Apparently, NextDoor neighborhood leaders removed several posts, resulting in protests of alleged unfairness.

Jump bikes, scooters

The red bikes have been in Sacramento for almost a year. Several neighbors have complained about the bikes parked on sidewalks, locked to meters, road signs or other places where they interfere with pedestrians, or block wheelchairs and walkers.

City Council increased the fees ride-sharing companies, such as Jump, pay to the city, according to KCRA-3 television station. The additional fees will be used to collect the bikes from illegal parking places and build more bike racks to secure them.

The new fees will also apply to motorized scooters. Fines or additional fees can be passed along to the bike renters. The best place to lock up the bikes and scooters is either a bike rack or a hub where bikes or scooters are available.

Scooters are prohibited from use on sidewalks, but bikes may be ridden on sidewalks when it is safe to do so, unless otherwise prohibited by signs.

The best and safest place to ride the bikes is a bike lane on the right side of the street. Helmets are recommended for both bikes and scooters.

Complaints about illegally parked bikes or scooters can be reported to 311.

Beautiful flowers

Several neighbors took the time and effort to brighten the days of NextDoor readers by posting photos of their favorite plants just starting to bloom.

A variety of photos of different shades of roses, camellias, anemones and ranunculus were posted.

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