Longtime Curtis Park resident Kathy Les shared her concerns about noise and pollution from gardening companies using gas powered tools. She recently wrote an essay for Viewpoint to educate the neighborhood on mandatory maximum decibel limits for noise.
Kathy envisions a shift to modern battery-powered tools. She said commercial electric blowers and mowers can run for four hours on a battery charge, at only $.38 to charge. An ad hoc committee will attempt to partner with SMUD to offer rebates toward battery-operated tools. A table will be set up in Curtis Park during the neighborhood yard sale May 18 to demonstrate how such tools work.
SCNA board President Andi Liebenbaum and Sierra 2 Center Executive Director Terri Shettle met with the Franklin Boulevard Business Improvement District and brainstormed ways to support redevelopment and revitalization. The areas include Broadway and the part of 24th Street near Panama Pottery. Andi also met with the Land Park Neighborhood Association and Crocker Drive Homeowners Association.
Executive director
Terri recently met with Councilmember Jay Schenirer regarding the facility lease for the Sierra 2 Center. Agreements were made based on a structural engineering report that identified more than $2 million in repairs and retrofits that will be necessary in the next 10 years.
SCNA Treasurer Jonathan LaTurner and Terri will meet with the new CPA about a new budgeting process. Rental income increased in February; however, repairs and utilities were over budget.
Chair Kat Haro explained the strategy for the Big Day of Giving. Board members will call past donors and post new strategic messaging to social media. Board members will answer these questions: What does living in Curtis Park mean to you? And what does Sierra 2 Center add to your quality of life?
Board members may host tax deductible events at their homes: dinners, spa day, or mini receptions. Other ideas for revenue include Movie Night at the Theater, Tour/Behind the scenes at Sierra 2, Carnival (at Sierra 2) and local business activation, which would donate proceeds on a certain night.
Angelia Mia reported on bylaw changes, including definitions of associate membership. Andi, Terri and board member Eric Johnson contributed to the revised by-laws. Voting on issues regarding the facility, personnel, neighborhood concerns and future programming goals will be by elected board members.
The ratio of residents to associate directors will be discussed at the upcoming board retreat. Angela also took the lead on policy adaptation, which modified workplace harassment, discrimination and whistleblower policies.
Neighborhood Concerns
Chair John Mathews updated the board on the Crocker Village sign height variance, in which an appeal was filed. The city’s Recycling-Solid Waste Division contacted SCNA about speaking to the neighborhood about regulations and changes regarding collections and services.
About 200 residents attended a lively community meeting March 28 regarding a proposed homeless shelter on X Street near Alhambra Boulevard.
Councilmembers Jay Schenirer, Steve Hansen and Jeff Harris and Sacramento police representatives were present to answer questions. The shelter will take about a year to construct.
Senior Center
Angela reported that attendance continues to be good in the high 700s.
Wellness card sales are up 62% over last year. Year-to-date net income was higher than budgeted.
Board retreat
The annual SCNA board retreat takes place on Saturday, May 4.
Agenda topics include budgeting for the fiscal year, legal obligations for board members, clarification of subjects that go to committees vs. staff, committee responsibilities, and goals for the upcoming fiscal year.