Congrats to Our New Board Members!

Our annual Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association Meeting and board member election was held via Zoom meeting on Wednesday, December 1st. According to SCNA bylaws, only current SCNA current resident members who attend the annual meeting are eligible to vote. Household Members and Lifetime Members get 2 votes. The meeting started at 6:30pm and voting opened at 7pm via online form.

Our New or Re-elected Board Members

  • John Bailey
  • Gerre Buehler
  • Erik Fay
  • Bill French
  • Bill Hoover
  • Kathy Les
  • Andrea Rosen
  • Sue Hida
  • Emily Lemei

The Meeting Agenda

  • SCNA President Bill Hoover – The State of SCNA: Despite our Covid setbacks we survived!
  • Finance Committee Chair John Bailey – The good news on SCNA’s finances.
  • Neighborhood Concerns Committee Chair Erik Fay – The busy year of NCC – Housing, Homeless and Redistricting.
  • Board Elections – Introductions of candidates and voting by the membership.
  • Development Committee Chair Kathy Les – Our big year of fundraising.
  • Gerre Buehler – The physical plant of Sierra 2.
  • William Breazeale – Insights Into Monet to Matisse – Meet our neighbor, a curator of European Art at the Crocker Art Museum, and experience highlights of his work and knowledge of the French Impressionist paintings currently at the Crocker.

About Our New Candidates

Sue Hida is a retired Cal Trans engineer. For 30 years she engineered mostly bridge design, but also helped some with construction and helped Cal Trans with sales to low-income people. Her father was a Japanese American, who was incarcerated/interred during the Japanese Internment. She is somewhat involved in the Japanese-American community helping administer memorial funds from her father to help mitigate what happened to the Japanese in the 1940’s. Sue moved to Curtis Park in 2004 from the Pocket. She is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the group that writes America’s infrastructure report card. Her involvement has been mainly at the local level but she will become more involved at the state level starting in October of 2022.

Emily Lemei grew up in Curtis Park on Portola Way, where her parents still reside. She remembers attending Girl Scouts, dance lessons and theater classes at Sierra 2 as a child. She attended local public schools and George Washington University in Washington, DC. After a brief stint in politics as a college student, she ultimately returned to California to work in state government. She first worked at the State Personnel Board, then at the California Energy Commission on legislative issues and renewable procurement requirements for publicly owned utilities. She currently works on customer programs and regulatory affairs for the Northern California Power Agency, a joint action agency representing and supporting 16 public power entities. Much of her work is focused on transportation electrification, and she serves on the board of the California Electric Transportation Coalition. After living in Downtown for 10 years, she and her husband and young son moved to Crocker Village last year. “I’m excited to get involved in SCNA,” she said. “I love this community.”

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