September begins the Land Park Community Plan Review of the General Plan Update (The “Greater Land Park Area” is the planning category that includes Curtis Park and other areas along with Land Park.)
To inform our residents of the benefits and concerns with this plan, the LPCA in collaboration with Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association has produced a 40 minute video, “A Primer for the Release of the 2040 General Plan – Reviewing Your Community Plan” offering five points you should consider in your response this September to the City’s proposals for Greater Land Park. Take a look and engage.
For a Summary of Community Positions on both Land Use Development, Transportation & the Climate Action Plan go to : Summary of Positions on Land Use, Middle Housing, Transportation, & Climate, go to:
For details regarding the Community Plan and Land Use Section proposed to increase the density of our single-family neighborhoods and intensify development of our community corridors, like Broadway and Freeport Blvd. Go to:
For Transportation Priority Plans and interactive map that show you infrastructure projects, community concerns, and provides an opportunity try for you to comment or vote-up projects go to:
Join your Neighborhood Association to add your voice to the community conversation determining the future of Sacramento.