This column was always late. A day late, a week late, but always late.

Hence, I start off my last column as SCNA president by offering a huge apology and thanks to the staff of Viewpoint, specifically editors Judy Scheible and Dennis Cusick, and production coordinator Carol Blackman. Without their patience, there would be a lot less of me in print.

This column, however, was always fun. It has been a pleasure to take a few hundred words to talk about whatever was on my mind. Most often, what was on my mind was how thankful I am to live in Curtis Park amid the beautiful trees and lovely neighbors.

When I first assumed the mantle of the president in 2013, I had two goals for my one-year term, with no idea there would end up being six years at the helm. My first goal was to put together a strategic plan for the organization. My second goal was to see some decent development in Curtis Park Village.

I am pleased to have accomplished the first. Our Strategic Plan gives SCNA and Sierra 2 a path to the future, come what may. That’s a pretty decent legacy in and of itself.

The status of the second goal is less clear. The striking Black Pine homes continue to fill up, with more than 60 occupied the last time I did an informal count. There are foundations and walls at the south end of the village, and Safeway has applied with the state Department of Alcohol Beverage Control for an off-sale liquor permit. The aesthetics of the Crocker Village commercial buildings leave something to be desired, but I suppose it comes down to the developer’s choice as to the legacy he leaves.

I’ve been lucky enough to have the support of a great rotating cast of board members, some of whom have served the neighborhood for more than a dozen years. New members have been incredibly helpful in looking at things in new ways and bringing ideas (and sometimes delicious brownies) to the table. Much of the joy has been in getting to know new people around Curtis Park whom I can honestly call good friends.

None of what we’ve accomplished would have been possible without SCNA Executive Director Terri Shettle and her staff. They do amazing work from a tiny space, and I’m continually in awe of how many projects and events, dinners and classes spring from their creative minds.

Of course, as with any volunteer position that requires nights and weekends, the support and encouragement of my family were paramount. I scarfed a lot of Wednesday night dinners and stayed up late, reading obscure land-use court cases. Thanks a million to my lovely wife for putting up with getting served in the gas station lawsuit, and to my kids for always asking, “How was the meeting?”

The final piece of the puzzle has been all of the members of the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association. Your support of what we do — whether through membership, donations, attendance and volunteering at events — has made the past six years extremely rewarding for me. I can’t thank you enough for the emails, NextDoor notes, conversations and other interactions.

My time as SCNA president has made me a better, more well-rounded person, and I hope Curtis Park is better off as well.

Happy holidays to you and yours. We live in the best neighborhood in Sacramento.

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