Big Day of Giving
Executive Director Terri Shettle reported that SCNA should receive the BigDoG check this month. Half the proceeds will go toward the 24th Street Theatre improvements.
She also talked about SCNA’s need to work on a giving policy because nonprofits receive different types of donations such as stocks and other items from bequests or estates, and SCNA may receive these in the future.
On June 17, the SCNA board attended a six-hour strategic plan meeting facilitated by Impact Foundry. The strategic plan will help board members focus on priorities within the mission statement in the years ahead.
Action Items
Budget approved for 2018 fiscal year: Treasurer Jonathan LaTurner reported we are budgeted for $1 million in revenue, with an income surplus of $92,000. This budget is significantly different from seven years ago, when income was half of what it is today.
Donations for the theater renovations are budgeted at $103,000 to offset the significant expense of theater renovations. There is a projected 2 percent increase in rental income for a total of $445,000. Possessory interest will be included in the budget, as well as reduced administration costs of $24,000. The budget includes elm tree treatments. LaTurner said the budget shows prudent growth. Eleven board members voted to approve the budget with one abstention.
President’s Report
The President, Eric Johnson, saved his report for the executive session.
Executive Director
Terri reported that new hire, Rose Browne, enjoys her job and is fitting in. Terri will be in Nashville to help family members June 19–25.
Treasurer’s Report
As anticipated, the balance sheet looks good, and no unexpected costs have been incurred. May and June were strong and SCNA’s 2017 budget is back on track.
The 24 Street Theatre air conditioning system went out in the middle of a children’s play the previous Saturday. There is regular quarterly maintenance, but the breaker box was involved in this incident.
A tree needs to be removed due to safety concerns in front of Sierra 2 because a huge limb crashed down on Memorial Day.
Development Committee
It did not meet.
Neighborhood Concerns
John Mathews reported that Land Park Community Association member Stephanie Duncan will conduct a meeting on homelessness Oct. 23 at Sierra 2. SCNA will donate the room; Stephanie will organize the meeting. Mayor Darrell Steinberg and city council members will be invited. It was agreed the meeting will be promoted in the Viewpoint and on the SCNA website.
An area arborist recommended treating 16 trees in Curtis Park. Five trees at the north wing have sustained limb failures and could have decay. The elm tree south of the tennis courts is sick. The cost is $1,600 per tree. Eric recommended we get the word out to neighbors to water their big trees. The city may deliver free mulch for them.
Dan Pskowski advised not to use chips from elm trees as mulch because it attracts the bark beetle.
Personnel Committee
It did not meet.
Senior Center
Angela Mia reported that Lunch and Learn workshops have been sparsely attended, but upcoming computer classes for June and July organized by Katie may have a big draw.
The Memory and Mind club is going strong. A potential funding source for the My Story project is being looked at because new equipment is needed.
A few seniors from the new senior housing in Crocker Village have attended regular classes, and an effort is made to deliver the Viewpoint and calendars there. Angela advised there will be an open house twice a year and the Senior Center will continue to do outreach.
— Submitted by Kate Van Buren, board secretary