Chinese mind-body exercise

Tai Chi is the meditative art of internal power generation. This new class will focus on the fundamentals of relaxation, vertical alignment, and root. Students will learn the 37 posture short form and basic drills. The class is for beginners, but those experienced in movement are encouraged to attend. This court will emphasize the martial art aspect of Tai Chi for the sake of fully achieving its many health and strength benefits.

Instructor Daniel Pfister studied martial arts and Tai Chi in Taiwan with Master Liu Xiheng and in the U.S. with Master Liu Xiaoling, a well-known Master of Chinese internal martial arts from Shanghai. Daniel progressed quickly with Master Liu and was soon invited to become a disciple, or inner-door student.

Classes are $10 each and held 10–11 a.m. Sundays in Studio 3. For more information, contact Daniel at 530 574-3684 or [email protected].

Dip your toe in improv

Join the growing community at The Playground. Helmed by Betsaida LeBron, veteran improviser/comedian/teacher, this is a chance to learn or polish improvisational skills. Students may come as often or as little as they like. Drop-in classes are held 7–9 p.m. Wednesdays in Room 9.

Classes are for all levels of experience, from absolute beginner to seasoned pro. Show up, jump in and have some fun! Classes are for adults; minimum age is 18. For more information, email [email protected], visit, or call 573-0301.

New name for expanded classes

River City Taps, one of Sierra 2 Center’s longtime monthly renters, recently announced some exciting changes. On Sept. 1 the group will launch the name Two Rivers Dance Center. All of the adult tap classes will continue as will the annual showcase performances as River City Taps. Two Rivers Dance Center will become the primary home of all other classes including new ones such as adult and children’s ballet, Zumba Gold and children’s tap. More developments are on the horizon. More class information is at

— Valerie Burrows, facility administrator

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  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
  • Sun 9am-5pm (Oct-Feb)

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