President’s Message: New Year brings new board members and Viewpoint staff

We move into the new year with five new directors on the SCNA board, along with six re-elected directors. All SCNA board members are elected to two-year terms, with half the board up for re-election each year. With the latest election, the board is now at 20 members who will help with what seems to be an ever-expanding workload.

Due to the severe storms the first week of January, the Jan. 4 organizational meeting was postponed until Jan. 11. At that meeting the board elected its 2023 officers and an at-large member. Reelected for one-year terms were Bill Hoover (president), Kathy Les (vice president), John Bailey (treasurer), Mimi Budd (secretary) and Bruce Pierini (at- large member). All board members were asked to submit their committee preferences, which will be considered by the president when making committee assignments.

With the year-end departures of Viewpoint stalwarts Executive Editor Dennis Cusick (five years) and Managing Editor Carol Blackman (43 years), the board began work in earnest to find capable replacements. Board members Kathy Les, Bruce Pierini and Lily Harris embraced the challenge.
Carol’s position turned out to be more than handling the Viewpoint’s graphics and layout. She also worked with the advertisers and took care of keeping writers on track to meet publishing deadlines. After careful analysis, these functions may be broken into three positions: Production Manager, Advertising Coordinator and News Coordinator.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of these three board members, I can report success at filling the two key positions that will ensure continuation of Viewpoint without interruption. Carol and Dennis also provided valuable assistance and input.

Dorsey Griffith, longtime Curtis Park resident and very experienced former Sacramento Bee journalist, has gracious- ly volunteered to take on the duties and responsibilities of executive editor.

Additionally, Bonnie Rodriguez of Valley Oak Press will become the production manager. Valley Oak Press also prints Viewpoint. The remaining two activities will be overseen by the Viewpoint Committee while the search continues for a more permanent arrangement.

Last, I am delighted to announce the return of SCNA’s Home Tour on April 22, after a three-year hiatus. It is a fun event and one of our biggest fundraisers. Music in the Park and Curtis Fest are also on the schedule. Look for details in upcoming issues of Viewpoint.

We have weathered what COVID-19, lockdowns and the economy have thrown at us the past three years and will emerge stronger than ever. I thank all of you who supported SCNA and Sierra 2 over the past three years, and hope for your continued support.

BILL HOOVER, SCNA Board President

Headlines include:

  • January storms take dramatic toll but also unite community
  • New SCNA board of directors members elected
  • New Year brings new board members and Viewpoint staff
  • Board elects officers, reviews budget, projects and plans for 2023
  • Trees in Curtis Park: A blow to Curtis Park’s urban forest
  • Councilwoman Caity Maple greets Curtis Park
  • New Viewpoint staff members say ‘hello’
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