Tag: Nov2020

Do bylaws require 23 board members?

Notes from Oct. 7 SCNA board meeting Is it necessary under SCNA bylaws to have candidates for each spot on the 23-seat board? If so, that would involve seeking candidates

Bike owner sees theft from backyard

Last month, I witnessed a brazen thief grab my bicycle from my Fifth Avenue backyard, run past me and ride off. Those are the scary and sad parts of this

Racial justice webinars praised

SCNA’s Ad Hoc Committee for Racial Justice produced two recent webinars that attendees praised for their quality and usefulness. The first webinar, Sept. 24, was “Facing the History of Racial

Home for the holidays?

This has been a year like no other, forcing all of us to adjust. We’d like to know how your holiday plans have changed. In the December issue, we hope

Getting out the vote

Rosanna Herber, left, was among the women from Curtis Park who celebrated the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote nationally in front of the Tower Theatre on Oct. 10.