Big tent is dining solution for Pangaea and Gunther’s
It takes creative thought to figure out how to stay in business when no one can come inside and cozy up to pub food and a beer or to a
It takes creative thought to figure out how to stay in business when no one can come inside and cozy up to pub food and a beer or to a
Notes from Oct. 7 SCNA board meeting Is it necessary under SCNA bylaws to have candidates for each spot on the 23-seat board? If so, that would involve seeking candidates
Good news is always welcome. I congratulate and extend kudos to all who helped make SCNA’s Porch Picnic a success. It was an outstanding example of what can be accomplished
Reported crime in the neighborhood in the third quarter of 2020, typically the highest crime period of the year, was down more than 30% from the same period of 2019,
Last month, I witnessed a brazen thief grab my bicycle from my Fifth Avenue backyard, run past me and ride off. Those are the scary and sad parts of this
SCNA’s Ad Hoc Committee for Racial Justice produced two recent webinars that attendees praised for their quality and usefulness. The first webinar, Sept. 24, was “Facing the History of Racial
This has been a year like no other, forcing all of us to adjust. We’d like to know how your holiday plans have changed. In the December issue, we hope
Rosanna Herber, left, was among the women from Curtis Park who celebrated the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote nationally in front of the Tower Theatre on Oct. 10.
The SCNA board has taken the unusual step of endorsing a statewide initiative on the general election ballot, Proposition 16. It would repeal Proposition 209 from 1996 and allow state
SCNA’s Porch Picnic fundraiser on Oct. 10 was by all accounts a huge hit, raising about $18,000 toward the upkeep and expenses of the Sierra 2 Center, with 195 households
Monday through Friday 9AM-5PM
Appointments required outside of office hours.
Hours of operation are seasonal, call our office for details.
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