Neighborhood Concerns Committee Meeting July 2014

The Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association’s Neighborhood Concerns Committee (NCC) will meet Wednesday, July 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th Street
Please note: We will meet in Room 10.
Strong Mayor Proposal
There will be a Strong Mayor proposal on the November 2014 ballot. SCNA has been asked to consider holding a forum on this subject. On Wednesday we will not be discussing the proposal, just the possibility of sponsoring a debate in September or October. The event would likely follow the format of previous SCNA hosted forums.

Bicycle Pathways from Curtis Park to Downtown
We will discuss areas that could be improved for bicyclists using pathways north into town from Curtis Park.

Miscellaneous items
Ideas on a kiosk for the park.

The fence along 24th Street between Donner and 5th Ave at the Curtis Park Village property line apparently does not meet City code requirements. The City now claims the fence is too high. This affects 3 Curtis Park homes on the abandoned part of 24th. The fence was installed by Petrovich Development and approved by the City but now the 3 neighbors are being held financially responsible for this mistake.

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