The Department of Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment is seeking community feedback on current park uses at two City parks in the Curtis Park neighborhood. Staff will use responses to inform potential renovations and amenities at Sierra 2 Park and Curtis Park. All park patrons are encouraged to participate regardless of their neighborhood of residence.

These two parks offer different amenities for City residents to enjoy. Currently, neither of these parks meet requirements for off-leash dog use. While the grass areas at Sierra 2 Park have been frequently used by dog owners as a limited dog training area, the current condition of the park does not meet the requirements of a dog park for off-leash use and presents safety issues.

YPCE will work with community members and provide frequent communications to identify potential renovations and the addition of amenities that both address safety concerns and meet the needs of users in the area.  All proposed or potential park improvements are subject to funding availability and may require long-term planning to make substantive changes.

This survey will be available through January 6, 2023.

Visit Sierra 2 Green, City of Sacramento for updates on Sierra 2 Park.

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