Because of the continuing health orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sierra 2 Center remained closed in August with a few exceptions for tenant businesses.
SCNA’s annual events – Music in the Park concerts, Curtis Fest Artisan Fair, Wine Tasting & Silent Auction, and Holiday Gifts & Goods – were canceled for 2020.
When Sacramento and California appeared to have flattened the curve of the coronavirus spread, Sierra 2 staff began planning for modified reopening with limited and controlled activities. Unfortunately, coronavirus case spikes have kept the center closed to all non-essential activities.
A few tenants continue their business operations because they were deemed essential. A 39-year tenant, Italian Cultural Society, was forced to vacate its space in Room 13 to consolidate operations.
From May to July, SCNA benefited from Payroll Protection Program funding to keep essential facility staff working to provide necessary upkeep and maintenance to the building and grounds. This funding also kept some staff working remotely to provide customer service, create and manage virtual classes and meetings, and maintain the website and social media communications.
Staff also have continued to take care of administrative tasks related to SCNA membership, Viewpoint, donations, general accounting activities and support of the board.
With no reopening plans on the horizon, SCNA faces the difficult task so many businesses are facing – financial survival. The operating plan is built on a tight first-quarter budget, assuming little to no normal operating income. Memberships, virtual classes, tenant rent and generous donations currently generate income. Staff are working to find additional grants.
The only expenditures being made are those necessary to keep the organization and the property intact. Unfortunately, the operating plan required a permanent reduction of staff along with additional layoffs until a reopening appears likely.
While Sierra 2 staff navigates the financial impacts of the social and physical distancing guidelines, we are also busy reimagining how to reopen our doors, our hearts and our minds.