On Dec. 11, the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association will host a community meeting, and we hope you will join us. In the meantime, there have been questions about SCNA membership, board elections and other aspects of the association.


First, if you have contributed to the association, thank you for your support. We are preparing to formally change the words we use for contributors, from “donors” and “members” to “supporters,” because that’s what you are. When you contribute time, energy, money, silent auction items or anything else, you support SCNA. The board believes that using a term better reflects the value and importance of what you do is a worthwhile change (not to worry-your “member benefits” will remain intact).

Next, per the SCNA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the SCNA Board of Directors is charged with electing its board members. Some confusion may exist because for many years members voted at the annual meeting. Because SCNA is incorporated as a traditional nonprofit organization (not, for example, as a membership organization like the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op where members are granted legal status and rights), that annual meeting election was essentially a way to introduce the board to the community. As we plan this year’s community meeting, SCNA proudly continues the tradition of introducing its board in what we hope is a meaningful and perhaps more engaging way.

Finally, how might you engage with or provide feedback and input to SCNA?

  1. Participate in the Dec. 11 Community Meeting. At this year’s meeting, you are invited to provide ideas and feedback about activities, events and community engagement. Since we want our efforts to inspire you, any input will be very helpful.
  2. Send us an email. Email me ([email protected]), our executive director ([email protected]), and the Neighborhood Concerns Committee ([email protected]).
  3. Attend a Neighborhood Concerns Committee meeting. NCC serves as a great starting place for new ideas and issue-spotting. The committee members would love to hear of your inspirations.
  4. Volunteer. If you have a passion for one or more of the activities and services on our annual calendar (Crab Feed, Home Tour, Wine Tasting, Music in the Park, Egg Hunt, and many more) or if you want to launch an initiative that you believe would be a good fit for SCNA, please share your creativity, ideas and willingness to help.
  5. Inquire about joining the board. Perhaps you’ve participated in many ways, and you still want to do more with/for SCNA. A current initiative to fully appreciate and understand the skills and interests of current board members is underway. If you believe that becoming an SCNA board member would be a great way to spend your extra-curricular time and expertise, let us know.
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