The Big Day of Giving is over and to say it exceeded our expectations is a gross understatement. The final figures are in, and we more than doubled our goal with donations exceeding $52,000.

There were more than 350 donors, the overwhelming majority of them Curtis Park residents. Many other donors are former Curtis Park residents and some were even born and raised here. The results validate the significance and importance of the Sierra 2 Center as an integral element in the fabric of Curtis Park.

With SCNA Vice President Kathy Les spearheading our efforts, a multipronged approach was used that appears to have worked well. Early Viewpoint articles and display ads that addressed our financial need and the opportunities presented by the fund-raising campaign were followed by lawn signs posted throughout the neighborhood.

Each SCNA board member was asked to raise $1,000 by personally reaching out to neighbors and friends. An active social media campaign was pursued via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the theme of “Sierra 2gether.” The SCNA board will work with Executive Director Terri Shettle to determine the most effective and appropriate uses for the Big Day funds. Keeping in mind that we still face an uncertain future, our goal is to ensure the present and future viability of Sierra 2.

Terri is planning a phased reopening of the center on June 1, but it will be tempered by ongoing restrictions governing the size and type of activities. Future SCNA events such as Music in the Park, Curtis Fest and the Wine Tasting will likely be affected.

The SCNA board will do what it can to adapt and adjust. As we have come to understand the situation and directives seem to change on a daily basis, patience is probably the key to success in any of our endeavors.

As president of SCNA, I can assure you that we will use the donations wisely to ensure continuation of Sierra 2 and its contributions to our neighborhood now and in the future.

For those residents who are not members of SCNA and those whose membership may have lapsed, I strongly encourage you to join SCNA and help make our community even stronger.

My sincere thanks to all of you who donated so generously. I am truly grateful for your support of Sierra 2.

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