The SCNA Neighborhood Concerns Committee will meet Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 pm in the Sierra 2 Garden Room. Please attend to learn of issues happening in the neighborhood or to bring issues to the committee.

Agenda topics

CurtisPark Village
Here are links to the revised Routing Packets for the CPV project which describes the proposed modifications (they may take a while to load) :

P13-033 Routing Packet
P13-033 Plans

The applicant is requesting to increase the number of single family homes and reduce the number of multifamily units and overall commercial square footage. Pages 10-11 of the Routing Packet include a summary of changes. Please email [email protected] and let us know what you think about the changes. We will send out notices if SCNA decides to hold another neighborhood-wide Curtis Park Village meeting.


Armed Robbery in Curtis Park
There was an armed robbery in Curtis Park in the early hours of June 13th. It happened around 12:15 am on 25th Street between Donner Way and 5th Avenue. The robber used a handgun and got away with the victim’s pants, shoes, cell phone and a small amount of money. The robbers (there were 2 other waiting in a car) were not apprehended.Here is a partial description from the Sacramento Police Department’s website:

“The victim was approached by a male Black in his late teens-early twenties who demanded the victim’s clothes. The victim complied and responding officers searched the area. ”

There will be a report on this crime in the July Viewpoint. Please consider starting a Neighborhood Watch group on your block. The Neighborhood Concerns Committee can help you with information on how to get started. Email us at: [email protected].

Recycling Center at Mercado Loco
We have learned that the CVS corporation has no intention to keep a recycling center there if their project gets approved. There have been complaints lately about the steady stream of people carrying bags and pushing overloaded shopping carts to the current recycling center at the Mercado Loco. That center will go away when the CVS store is built. All of the cans and bottles will still be stolen out of our blue bins, but the migration of thieves will head a different direction.

William Curtis Park Cleanup Days
Thanks again to everyone who has participated in our William Curtis Park cleanup days. Our next park cleanup day will be Saturday, August 10th from 9-12. We hope to see you there.

Neighborhood Concerns Committee
Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association

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