Year’s events canceled

High school and college graduates aren’t the only ones denied their rite of passage this year. Those in Curtis Park who mark their summers by festive family evenings at Music in the Park, wind up the summer with offerings by local artists at Curtis Fest, usher in autumn with the annual Wine Tasting, and later partake in the Holiday Gifts & Goods event in December must ready themselves for disappointing news.

Until Gov. Gavin Newsom declares California ready to enter Stage 4 of the Covid-19 response, large gatherings like our Curtis Park annual summer and fall events will not be allowed. When Stage 4 arrives will be anybody’s guess, but with predictions of a fall/winter surge in COVID-19, the SCNA staff and board have made a determination all remaining large events must be canceled for the year.

Sadly, we must scratch off our calendars Music In the Park (June 28, July 26 and Aug. 30), Curtis Fest (Aug. 30), Wine Tasting (Oct. 10), and the Holiday Gifts & Goods sale (Dec. 5).

If history repeats, we should get ready for an extended shelter-in-place beyond the summer 2020. (See Erik Fay’s story on the 1918-19 influenza epidemic, page 9.)

But Curtis Park wouldn’t be Curtis Park without some way to mark the passage of seasons and raise money for the Sierra 2 Center and its attendant activities.

The SCNA Development Committee is brainstorming possibilities for a home-based event in the fall. A virtual event, perhaps, might include a virtual auction accompanied by takeout food from local restaurants. It might also involve local musicians but avoid people gathering in groups. Small block parties with required social distancing and masks are an option.

Anyone with ideas or interested in participating on the planning committee for this year’s alternative fall event should contact Kathy Les at [email protected].

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