Hosted by Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association on May 27 • 6:30-8 pm via Zoom
Read About Promoting Inclusive Communities & Affordable Housing
- What California lawmakers could do to boost homeownership for Black families
- They’re being pushed out: How gentrification Is changing Sacramento’s Oak Park
- Nearly 60,000 low-income households can’t find an affordable home to rent
Part 1: Why the Proposed Housing Goal?
The State HCD (Housing & Community Development) and SACOG require Sacramento to accommodate and plan for 45,580 new housing units by 2029, including 16,700 housing units affordable to lower-income residents. The state also requires the city to comply with AB 686 (2018) to relieve patterns of housing segregation to foster inclusive communities.
GREG CHEW – Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)
Regional Housing Needs Overview
Part 2: How to Achieve the Housing Goal?
Sacramento through updates to its 2021-2029 Housing Element and 2040 General Plan proposes several strategies to produce more housing, including zoning changes. Properties citywide currently zoned R-1 (single family) and R-2 (duplex dwellings) will be permitted to accommodate neighborhood-scale duplexes, triplexes and four-plexes if the site can meet development standards for height, setbacks, and lot coverage requirements. Owners are already permitted two ADUs (accessory dwelling units) totaling 1,200 square feet.
MATT HERTEL – City of Sacramento
Overview of the City’s proposed Housing Element 2021-29 and Rezoning
WILLIAM BURG – Preservation Sacramento
How might General Plan 2040 impact historic neighborhoods?
CHRIS JONES – Colonial Heights Neighborhood Assn. City
Strategies that Work to Meet Housing Goals
KIRK VYVERBERG – Land Park Community Assn.
Community Alternatives to Rezoning
JAY SCHENIRER – District 5, City Councilman
Summary of City Council Position
Curtis Park residents are invited to attend. This forum follows two webinars held last year exploring historic housing inequities in Curtis Park and Sacramento. SCNA conditionally supports the housing proposal but requests the city provide a stronger rationale on how the stated housing goals will be achieved through the proposed R1 Zone change.
This forum is a chance to learn more and form your own opinion. There will be a 30-minute Q&A following the speaker presentations.
Recent Articles
- What California lawmakers could do to boost homeownership for Black families
- They’re being pushed out: How gentrification Is changing Sacramento’s Oak Park
- Nearly 60,000 low-income households can’t find an affordable home to rent
About Our Speakers

Greg Chew is a Senior Urban Planner at the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, or SACOG. Greg’s areas of specialty are in housing policy, regional growth management, neighborhood and commercial corridor revitalization, and public outreach. He is the team leader for SACOG’s housing team and is the project manager for the Regional Housing Needs Allocation process. He is Sacramento native, and a graduate of Kennedy High School and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Prior to joining SACOG in 2004, he spent 13 years as a planning consultant in Portland, Oregon. In his volunteer life, he has been serving on the board of Mutual Housing California since 2006.
Matt Hertel, AICP, is the Acting Long Range Planning Manager with the City of Sacramento. The Long Range Planning team is working on a number of critical planning efforts including the 2040 General Plan and Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, the 2021-2029 Housing Element, and the Stockton Blvd Plan. Matt has a master’s degree in Community Development and Planning from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.
William Burg is President of Preservation Sacramento, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit focused on preservation and reuse of historic places in the city of Sacramento, and Sacramento Heritage Inc., a city affiliated 501(c)(3) nonprofit that administers the city’s Historic Plaque, Historic Places Grant, and other heritage tourism and preservation programs. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Public History from Sacramento State University, works for California’s Office of Historic Preservation, and is about to publish his eighth book about Sacramento history, “Sacramento’s R Street.” He lives in a 1907 Neoclassic row house in the Winn Park historic district.
Chris Jones is a Project Manager at U.C. Davis Information Technology, managing technology projects that support improving healthcare in the Sacramento region. Chris moved to Sacramento in 2016 into the Colonial Heights neighborhood where he currently resides. Graduating from Western Governors University, Chris holds a B.S. in Information Technology and an M.B. Currently serving as President of Hope for Sacramento, advocating for a comprehensive homeless services campus, housing is among his top priorities. He also serves on the Leadership Committee of the Colonial Heights Neighborhood Association, and the board of directors of Eye on Sacramento, a local government watchdog.
Kirk Vyverberg, a 30 year resident of Land Park, is the Chair of the Land Park Community Association – Land Use Committee. He also lead the opening phase of the 2040 General Plan Update for the Greater Land Park Community Plan developing the Vision & Issues for the community. Now retired, Kirk’s professional career was as a Product Manager for Owens-Corning, developing markets for lighting, acoustical and energy management systems for commercial developments. As such, he influenced the California Energy Codes and the LEEDS Architectural Standards.
Jay Schenirer was elected in 2010 to the Sacramento City Council, and re-elected to the council in 2014 and 2018.. He chairs the Law & Legislation Committee and was elected Mayor Pro Tem by his fellow councilmembers in 2013 and Vice Mayor in 2014 and 2021. He currently works as an independent consultant and policy adviser on education reform and youth policy and strategies. He also runs multiple educational programs for legislative staff. Jay holds a B.A in Political Science from UC San Diego where he graduated Magna Cum Laude and a Masters Degree from the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin.