From the City of Sacramento: A project is starting on the Sacramento Community College campus community in mid September and continuing through late November.  The project was designed to minimize any driver, pedestrian or bicyclist inconvenience or congestion.  

The project will provide a pedestrian and bicycle friendly route on 12th Avenue between 23rd Street and Panther Parkway on the campus property. The new route will link the light rail station and eventually the City’s planned pedestrian overcrossing to Freeport Boulevard and the William Land Park area. A bike lane for bicyclists to travel in the opposite direction will be added to 12th Avenue as well as a bifurcated, multi-use sidewalk to the north.

Improvements to 12th Avenue were identified by the City to address potential cut-through bike and ped traffic into the campus as a result of the planned Sacramento City College Pedestrian Overcrossing Project. The future bridge project will construct a new pedestrian overcrossing extending from the lawn area of the Sacramento City College campus, over the light rail and railroad tracks to the east of campus, and into the proposed Curtis Park Village development.

A study of various options to prevent cut-through traffic concluded that adding the bike lane and sidewalk to 12th Avenue was the most direct route with the least right-of-way constraints. 

All work is going to be done in an expeditious manner and cause as little inconvenience to the traveling public as possible. Work will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., seven days a week, with the exception of trench work. Trench work and the closure of 24th Street will only be permitted during weekday evenings between 7 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., and possibly on weekends. (Note that 24th street is a small road in back of a parking garage.)

Bicyclists and pedestrians will be able to access the light rail station during operating hours except during an emergency closure. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be maintained by phasing construction operations or by providing alternative pedestrian and bicyclist access through or adjacent to construction areas.

If you have any questions, please contact Project Manager Greg Smith at 916.808-8364 or

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