About the Board Election Meeting

On January 8th at 6:30pm we will hold an election of the Board of Directors of the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association and Sierra 2 Center for the Arts and Community. In response to concerns from members, and subsequent advice from legal counsel, this special meeting will honor the bylaws provisions that require SCNA members to elect the board of directors. At the meeting, existing and new potential board members will introduce themselves and provide brief statements about their background and vision for the board. 

Existing board member profiles are available for review. New candidates may submit their names in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or in person on January 8. 

All dues-paying members of SCNA may vote on Wednesday. Residents of Curtis Park who would like to become members may sign up at the meeting. Membership information is available here

Following the election, we will open the meeting for community discussion so that the newly elected board may hear directly from their constituents to inform their course of action. In the weeks following the election, the new board will convene to elect officers and conduct the ongoing business of the organization. That may include a formal annual meeting of the membership, or other meetings as the new board decides. 

Role and Responsibility of the Board of Directors 

The SCNA/Sierra 2 Board of Directors is responsible for a diverse range of programs and services that provide Curtis Park residents and the larger Sacramento region with a safe and engaging place to gather. As SCNA we advocate for the immediate community, our environment and neighbors. On behalf of Sierra 2, we are stewards of a historic facility that offers a gathering place to seniors, active learners, tenants, renters and more from many surrounding neighborhoods. 

In joining the Board of Directors, individuals must agree to uphold the legal and fiduciary duties to the organization, and legal obligations to the City of Sacramento in managing the city-owned Sierra 2 Center for the Arts and Community. 

Board members are required to attend at least nine board meetings each year (allowed two missed meetings), and are asked to participate on at least two committees. Full board and committee meetings are held monthly. In addition to meetings, Board members are asked to contribute to the organization by any means possible: time, promotion, expertise, financial etc. This may include event help, calling donors, thank you notes, special projects, fundraising assistance and more.

Guided by the Strategic Plan 

The needs of both our neighborhood and the community center have evolved in the past decade-plus. In 2018, after significant discovery and reflection, the Board created and passed a Strategic Plan that is intended to provide a thoughtful and deliberate path forward for growth and greater inclusivity.  

The Strategic Plan outlines four key goals for the organization: 

  • Maintain financial stability of SCNA and Sierra 2 
  • Be a community hub for Curtis Park and beyond 
  • Provide a forum for neighborhood interests 
  • Deliver relevant and valuable programming 

We hope to appeal not only to our existing, engaged constituents, but develop coordinated and intentional ways to reach out and engage new members of the neighborhood, to connect with and serve them and provide value. Additionally, the Strategic Plan will guide us to better harness the value of the many users of the Sierra 2 Center, the vast majority of whom live outside the boundaries of Curtis Park, but who provide much of the economic engine for the programs and services that SCNA provides. Greater inclusivity and innovation has been the hallmark of all SCNA board actions and activities since the strategic plan was adopted. 

Background on the Bylaws Changes 

In 2019, the SCNA/Sierra 2 Board of Directors voted to approve bylaws changes that removed the voting rights of members. This change was recommended by nonprofit experts and is considered a best practice in the field. The intent was to ensure consistency and security of the governance of the organization, and bring SCNA into compliance with California Corporation Code. In doing so the Board inadvertently followed the incorrect process, which was brought to our attention by a group of neighbors, and has been confirmed by legal counsel. 

The Board promptly reverted to a previous version of the organization bylaws and is holding the January 8th meeting which will allow our membership to elect a Board of Directors.



  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
  • Sun 9am-5pm (Oct-Feb)

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