Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Guest Catherine McComey of the Sacramento chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby explained her group’s proposal for a carbon fee and dividend to mitigate pollution. The proposal has reached the climate solutions caucus, a bipartisan group in the House of Representatives, which, according to McComey, is warming up to the idea. In simplistic terms, the program would take money from big polluters and dispense it back to households.

Strategic Plan

Kim Tucker from the Impact Foundry submitted an outline for SCNA’s strategic plan. The executive committee will convene with Kim before next month’s meeting so she can review the details.

Annual membership meeting

President Eric Johnson suggested speakers for the annual membership meeting.

President’s report

SCNA President Eric Johnson reported about 40 people attended the Oct. 2 safety meeting. Dave Peletta presented information alongside sergeants, city staff and a homeless impact team. They talked about the homeless camp in Crocker Village and who is responsible for cleanup. 

A meeting on homeless issues was set for 6:30 p.m. Oct. 23 in Curtis Hall. Stephanie Duncan of the Land Park Neighborhood Association organized the discussion and Councilmember Jay Schenirer was expected to attend. Neighbors were encouraged to propose solutions.

Executive director report

  • Terri Shettle reported her focus was on the Wine Tasting. She thanked board members who raised nearly $500 for the wine fridge auction item. There are 20 participating restaurants, including Oak Park Brewery, and 19 wineries.
  • McClatchy’s HISP group was expected to sell raffle tickets, and the McClatchy Debate Club would reconcile auction items.
  • Terri is meeting with a seat manufacturer to view samples of the theater seats that will be displayed at the wine tasting event.
  • The fundraising goal for the 24th Street Theatre improvements is $150,000. Terri said the theater roof won’t last the winter, and repairs are underway.
  • Terri reported the large tree near the theater is gone because it was a safety hazard.
  • A cannabis education meeting was to be hosted by District 5 on Oct. 25 at Sierra 2.

Treasurer’s report

Terri reported on behalf of Jonathan LaTurner that revenue is continuing to grow and operations are positive. The new tenant renting Sierra House is Learnery instructor and artist Cate Schmiedt.

Facilities committee

John Mathews reported that fabric and carpet choices for the theater improvements are great. There will be a total of 256 theater seats.

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Ongoing talks with the city regarding SCNA’s lease brought up the need for documentation on maintenance and repairs, which has been filed in boxes.

Councilmember Jay Schenirer is asking for what we have spent to date and projected expenses.

SMUD is coming to help map out Sierra 2’s use of electricity and water, as there are multiple meters. There has been an increase in use, and it needs to be addressed, but there is no way to determine who is responsible. The solar provider will also be present to help with the mapping.

There was a discussion regarding replacement of the Curtis Hall walk-in cooler. It was suggested to replace it with a freezer. The current tenant, Sugarplum, is distributing to Whole Foods, the Co-op, and Nugget markets. They will soon outgrow the space.

The facility committee will come up with an 18-24 month plan. Other caterers may want the space, or Sierra 2 may start a culinary school. 

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There are issues with the bathrooms and parking. With city workers, FedEx drivers, postal carriers and soccer teams using the bathrooms, it’s difficult for the staff to keep them clean and stocked. And parking by soccer team parents means patrons of Sierra 2 may not find spaces in the parking lot.

Development committee

Terri and the Development committee will be working on official policies and procedures regarding membership benefit inquiries.

Neighborhood Concerns

Kate Van Buren reported that the planting of the Peace Tree was a meaningful event, with approximately 50 people adding their positive energy to the tree.

Personnel did not meet.

Senior Center

Angela Mia reported that last week’s open house went well with a catered lunch and coffee sponsored by Eskaton. Katie Byram did a great job organizing classes and meetings. The new AARP representative is doing well.

Neighborhood’s boundaries

At the annual meeting Nov. 14 members will vote on the official boundaries of the neighborhood. Neighborhood Concerns will create the map. The area in question is north of Sutterville Road and between the railroad tracks and Freeport Boulevard.

— Submitted by Kate Van Buren, board secretary



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