The SCNA board voted overwhelmingly to endorse a letter the Executive Committee had sent to the city in opposition to the West Broadway Specific Plan.

The letter expressed opposition because “the plan fails to protect the 751 units of public housing and the 2,000 low-income residents living in Alder Grove and Marina Vista with a guarantee that they be allowed to remain in the planning area if it is redeveloped.” The board vote was 13 in favor with one abstention.

The board’s Ad Hoc Committee on Racial Justice had drafted the letter.

The development plan, for an area west of the Old City Cemetery and south of Broadway, “streamlines the housing development process and provides a vision for future riverfront planning and a destination for community events and new recreational opportunities,” according the city’s website.

City Council approved the development plan Aug. 25.


Treasurer John Bailey described a draft reserve for replacement policy similar to the policy SCNA adhered to during the 1980s and 1990s. The policy is modeled after the approach homeowners associations use to ensure adequate funding for maintenance and replacement of major building components. President Bill Hoover tabled the item for the October board meeting.

Executive director

Executive Director Terri Shettle reported that the whistleblower policy is tied in with the harassment policy. The issue was tabled for 30 days.


Dan Murphy advised the board that the Heritage Committee is defunct with $2,000 allotted to it in the budget. He questioned the wisdom of returning the funds to the general fund. He said he believes the $2,000 should stay in the Heritage Fund.


Erik Fay urged board members to sell 10 tickets each to the Oct. 10 Porch Picnic fundraiser because it is SCNA’s major fundraiser this year.

Tickets for $150 per household are on sale until Oct. 2 at Each ticket will pay for dinner for two or four (depending on the restaurant) and a one-year membership in SCNA. There is an art activity link on the website. Music performed live at the Side Door will be part of the online festivities.

Food orders will go to restaurants Oct. 5.


In attendance at the Sept. 2 meeting via Zoom were President Bill Hoover, Executive Director Terri Shettle and board members John Bailey, Kathy Les, Andrea Rosen, Bruce Pierini, Martin Pierucci, Erik Fay, John Mathews, Dan Pskowski, Gerre Buehler, Dan Murphy, Nury Enciso, Susan French and Bill French. Guests Shannon Motley and Sharon Helmar observed the meeting.

– Submitted by Bruce Pierini, board secretary

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