The annual Home & Garden Tour was a success, welcoming nearly 800 attendees and netting nearly $15,000 for SCNA. A reason for the drop in attendance from last year may be due to a less noticeable home and garden portion in The Sacramento Bee.

Coverage by The Bee generally results in 20 percent or more of overall ticket sales. Inside Publications again featured one of the homes on tour, which helps with promotion.

Executive Director

Terri reported she has been gathering information for strategic plan initiatives. Big Day of Giving was May 3, and focused on our capitol campaign for the 24th Street Theatre. Seats and carpet will be removed June 18-19. New seats will be installed June 25. Donations and sponsors are currently being sought. The stage floor will be sanded and repaired.


Terri reported for Jonathan LaTurner that revenue was strong from operations, but donations are still weak. Expenses are in line with expectations.


Andrew Booth reported that reviewing the lease and negotiating terms with the city is a top priority. The ideal outcome would be that the city maintains the big items and SCNA maintains basic upkeep. The committee will itemize a list of needed infrastructure upgrades, putting dollar amounts to maintenance projects, and defining the tenant relationship.

Reserve funds and allotments will be suggested for projects that are shared between SCNA and the city’s purview.

SMUD came to Sierra 2 to map out the complex web of meters, but we still do not have a solid understanding of the electrical system. The old solar panels are not functioning and will be replaced for more robust energy efficiency.

Terri will assign someone the task of finding the master plan. In the meantime, Andrew will undertake mapping the facility and its systems with his CAD software.


John Mathews reported that a draft budget was discussed, including treating five trees in Curtis Park. Dan Pskowski requested an aerial inspection of the trees so we are not wasting money on treating dead ones. He will follow up with Urban Forestry this week. A new arborist was hired in the Parks Department.

The debate with city council District 5 candidates would see Eric opening the event. Board members discussed possible questions to the candidates regarding neighborhood concerns.

The new design plan for homes in Crocker Village was discussed. The proposed commercial area will look like a strip mall instead of Pavillionsstyle. The pedestrian and bike lane for safe access from the homes to the commercial area is not in the current plan from the city. Terri will disseminate emails from the city planner to board members when they are available.

The fence in Curtis Park at the baseball diamond has been fixed.

Senior Center

Angela Mia reported that participation was the highest since 2017. Lauren, the Pilates instructor, is very popular. The new Peer to Peer workshop is looking for people to share their skills with seniors. Skills could be anything such as playing the ukulele, bird watching, dog grooming, etc. A new women’s friendship group has formed. Tara Stiles retired, but returned for a guided meditation on May 4.

There will be one free day every quarter, a “Free Friday,” sponsored by the Hart Center.

Guest Le Anne Remen from Assemblymember McCarty’s office reported that a Mother’s Day donation drive was underway. McCarty’s legislative priorities right now include funding for higher education, affordable housing, universal Pre-K, and expanding after-school programs.

— Submitted by Kate Van Buren, board secretary


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