While Gov. Gavin Newsom has indicated much of the state can reopen June 15, we have no such specific indication for the Sierra 2 Center because community centers will be among the last facilities authorized to reopen.

Executive Director Terri Shettle reports her phone “ringing off the hook” by people who want to schedule events and classes at Sierra 2.

Subject to local and state health restrictions, if the infection rate continues to be low and the vaccination rate high, Sierra 2 will reopen on a phased basis. However, it will likely be months before the center is fully operational. Until then, SCNA’s financial situation will remain precarious.

The projected fourth-quarter budget (April- July) is similar to the previous three quarters with a couple of exceptions, such as the Big Day of Giving on May 6, with a goal of raising $75,000. Donations can be pre-scheduled through May 6. Board members were asked to raise $1,000 each and call and email their neighbors and past donors to help raise money for Sierra 2 and for SCNA activities.

Sierra 2 received two small grants: $15,000 from the California Arts Council Arts and Culture Fund; and $10,000 from Sacramento County’s Economic Development Office. The latter grant goes to the Sierra 2 Garden Project, planned to begin next year on a much smaller scale than originally envisioned.

The board ratified a letter drafted by the Executive Committee to the City Council expressing qualified support of the R-1 zoning change proposal within the 2040 General Plan. The letter raised important questions and concerns about a number of the plan’s specifics.

The board also approved a letter to the California Air Resources Board in support of future limitations on small gas engines in California, with a special concern expressed about gas-powered leaf blowers.

Development Committee Chair Kathy Les reported that SCNA is hoping to schedule a modified garage sale in June and a modified Music in the Park in August.

The Neighborhood Concerns Committee is drafting a letter encouraging stronger enforcement of the city’s tree ordinance.

The next SCNA board meeting will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. May 5 via Zoom.

– Bruce Pierini, board secretary

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