Councilmember Jay Schenirer spoke to the board regarding proposed council solutions to promote implicit bias training, limiting use of lethal force, and resource allocation to underserved areas of Sacramento. Longtime Curtis Park neighbors Mimi Budd, Melissa Cirone, Lynda Ives, Muriel Rosenberg, Pam Ciarrizzo and Bill Harrell supported a letter by Mimi Budd to City and County officials recognizing the inequities that exist in our community, expressing compassion and grief for the lives lost in police shootings, while recognizing the challenges law enforcement faces trying to keep the public safe. Terri Shettle stated, “We are going on record in support of our community as we find solutions.” SCNA Board members Bruce Pierini and Andi Liebenbaum will draft a letter by SCNA to city and county officials. Schenirer stated he was grateful for the letters, and they were helpful when advocating on behalf of the underserved areas of Sacramento.

Home Tour Update

Lori Harder reported that five homes and two gardens will be on the tour. SCNA Development co-chair Kat Haro’s home on 24th Street was featured in Inside Land Park magazine. A Sacramento Bee article was to be published April 21. Help is needed at the north end of Curtis Park at the end of the day to clean up tables and chairs. Larry Easterling will help with his truck.

Action Item

A proposal to consolidate employee SEP and 403b retirement plans to 403b Thrift plans was recommended by the Personnel Committee. After discussion, it was unanimously adopted.

Strategic Plan Update

Kim Tucker presented refinements to the working document which included the recommendation that the Personnel Committee will include Governance. Each committee will structure a new goal and objectives plan. Jonathan asked for an ad hoc bylaws committee to convene to modernize and update bylaws to be in compliance with state non-profit law. A motion to adopt the strategic plan was passed unanimously.


The Executive Committee met to discuss the executive director’s performance evaluation, salary and bonus structure.

Executive Director

Terri Shettle reported that board member Dan Pskowski worked on multiple trees for property owners in Curtis Park. Instead of collecting fees, he asked them to donate money to the theater renovations. June 18 is still the start date for removing the old theater seats and carpet. For the big reveal, there will be a special donor event to say thank you. The donors will be able to sit in the chairs they sponsored.

The Big Day of Giving on May 3 will be focused on the theater capital campaign.

The Egg Hunt went very well. There are lots of new babies in Curtis Park.


Jonathan LaTurner reported SCNA is in excellent financial health, but we are still short donations. Board members were again encouraged to ask five people to donate to the theater campaign.

Expenses were down $14,000 and income was up $107,000 over last year. Credited for the success were: continuing growth from quality implementations such as the new website with 360-degree room views, the Learnery, and more advertisement and promotions.


Facilities Chair Andrew Booth reviewed previous leases and will submit comments to Terri. City structural assessments show there are structural issues that may cost up to $1 million over 10 years. The lease is a priority for the facilities committee.


Co-chairs Kat and Jonathan met regarding the strategic plan and creating a neighborhood survey to identify who we are serving and how we can make membership events better. They will help create a database and volunteer network so that Sierra 2 staff are not doing everything. Bruce suggested asking Carol Barnes at the Institute for Social Research at Sacramento State University to help with the survey.


John Mathews reported the candidate debate for city council will be on May 9. Board members are needed to volunteer. The homeless camp in Crocker Village was cleaned up with a backhoe. Some campers have returned on the Union Pacific side of the fence.

John will attend a public hearing regarding the cannabis dispensary on Broadway.

A Cops, Coffee and Kids event is scheduled for June 12 at 6 p.m. in Curtis Hall.

Senior Center

Angela Mia reported that attendance is up and the pilates classes are very popular.


The editor expressed an interest in board members writing articles. Send ideas to Bruce or John.



  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
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