On New Year’s Eve, Hai Luong of Castro Way lost his Chihuahua dog T-Rex near 10th Avenue and 24th Street.

T-Rex has been a mascot at Track 7 Brewery. The dog is tan-colored with an unusual pink nose that distinguishes him from others. He had a collar with identification and was chipped.

The day T-Rex disappeared, Luong joined NextDoor and posted a photo and description of T-Rex. Many pictures in the neighborhood were attached to signs and poles in surrounding areas. Luong learned that his dog had been taken in a vehicle. A reward of $500 was offered, increased to $1,000 by a generous anonymous donor.

The response by neighbors on NextDoor with possible sightings and sympathies was overwhelming, possibly numbering more than 100 posts.

Almost three months after disappearing, T-Rex was found on March 28 in the central Oak Park neighborhood.

“NextDoor has been an invaluable resource and ultimately what brought our little guy home,” Luong posted. “Thanks again to our amazing community’s efforts and outpouring of support.”

NextDoor helped with a happy ending to this story.

T-Rex’s supporters celebrated his return at Track 7 on April 21 with well-wishers and a decorated cake.

Open Jobs at the Sacramento Children’s Home

The Sacramento Children’s Home on Sutterville Road posted a help-wanted notice on NextDoor in mid-April. Founded in 1867, the Children’s Home has eight separate locations and serves more than 5,000 children annually. A number of positions are available with a range of pay rates. More information is available at: www.kidshome.org/careers.

NextDoor.com is a social media app used by neighbors to share information with other neighbors. It is often used for reporting crime to neighbors, lost pets, contractor or handy-person repair recommendations. It is free to use and supported by advertisements.

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