The number of new reported COVID-19 infections in the area that includes most of Curtis Park has roughly doubled over the last month, according to Sacramento County data.
The 22,000 residents of the Curtis Park, Land Park, Newton Booth and Poverty Ridge neighborhoods in the 95818 ZIP code had logged a total of 891 COVID-19 cases as of April 19. Of the total, 58 had occurred in the previous three weeks. New infections averaged 19 per week in the first three weeks of April, more than double the average of nine per week in March.

The good news is, vaccinations are increasing steadily. On March 26, Sacramento County began providing statistics on the vaccinations by ZIP code. As of April 23, about 8,400 residents in the 95818 ZIP code were fully vaccinated. Another 3,000 had received an initial dose. According to the county, 50% of the local eligible population over age 16 are fully vaccinated and 68% have had at least one shot.
The recent spike in cases, despite increased vaccinations, is troublesome and is an indication that too many people are letting their guard down prematurely.
COVID-19 predominantly affects the respiratory system, which means individuals with pre-existing conditions – asthma, cardiovascular disease, damaged lungs from smoking and air pollution – are at the greatest risk for complications once infected.
Current data may be seen at