Curtis Park voters helped former SCNA President Rosanna Herber to win a position on the SMUD board in the November election.

Herber won 75 percent of the vote in the neighborhood and 50 percent district-wide.

Runner-up Angela Spease had 39 percent of the vote districtwide. Mark Graham had 11 percent. Spease and Graham are residents of Elk Grove.

Lisa Murawski received 57 percent of the neighborhood’s vote in winning a seat on the Sacramento City Unified School District board over Anna Molander.

About 61 percent of voters in the neighborhood voted for Measure U, the city sales tax increase. It passed with 56 percent approval citywide.

On key statewide issues, 77 percent in the neighborhood voted against Proposition 6, which would have repealed a gas tax. Some 60 percent of neighborhood voters favored Proposition 7, which could lead to permanent daylight savings time. About 55 percent voted for Proposition 10, which would have allowed cities to pass rent control ordinances. Proposition 7 passed statewide, while Propositions 6 and 10 were defeated.

In the race for governor, 80 percent of neighborhood residents favored Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, over Republican businessman John Cox. Newsom was favored by 58 percent of voters statewide.

Democratic U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein received 62 percent of the neighborhood vote. She was re-elected with 53 percent of vote statewide, to 46 percent for fellow Democrat Kevin de Leon, a state senator.

Final percentages may differ somewhat as ballot counting was not finished by late November. Later results, including precinct-level tallies, can be found at the Sacramento County election website,

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