The Ella K. McClatchy Library on 22nd Street at T Street is the closest library branch to Curtis Park. While patrons can browse through a wealth of books, music CDs and DVDs, they can also enjoy the branch’s many other services and activities designed for all ages and interests.

Among those services is help with handheld devices and laptops. Patrons will find one-on-one technology help from 2-3 p.m. every Wednesday. At that time a librarian/ technology assistant is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Each session can last up to 30 minutes. The librarian shows patrons how to download ebooks from the library and search the catalog as well as assist with basic computer skills, such as setting up an email account, setting up Microsoft Excel, or using the Internet. The service is free.

Additionally, the McClatchy Library has programs for adults, teens, and children. There’s a monthly Jane Austen reading group, a monthly Teen Book Club, and a weekly Family Storytime. Regular programs include Lego Mania at 2 p.m. Saturdays and a knitters group focused on problem solving.

Coming up at 3 p.m. Nov. 18 is a program with live reptiles presented Python Ron.

To find out more about programs, go to:

—By Susan MacCulloch Viewpoint staff writer

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