Why do you craft/make? How did you learn?

The amazing women in my life taught me to sew as a child on my grandmother’s old Singer sewing machine. I have always loved creating items for others to enjoy. Now, I am so excited to share my passion with you and the babies in your life!

What is your favorite product or piece you’ve made lately?

My Cali Love line is definitely a favorite! I love our beautiful state and all it has to offer. The Golden State design features plants and animals native to California, including poppies, sequoia trees, quails, and adorable bears.

What sorts of things are inspiring you right now? Where do you look for inspiration?

I am committed to freeing your little one from the stereotypical blues and pinks by creating fresh and fun gender neutral designs.

Are you bringing/selling anything special at the craft fair?

I will be bringing baby bandana bibs and top knot hats in fun designs, including Holiday and California prints! All Mauve Baby Co. products are made of super soft organic cotton.

The holidays put me in the mood to….

Sew, while drinking hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music!

Favorite holiday movie?

“Home Alone” is always a fun choice.

All I want for Christmas is…?

To spread the holiday joy- one bib and hat at a time!

Visit: https://www.instagram.com/mauvebabyco/

Skip The Massive Craft Fairs– Shop High Quality Handmade Gifts & Goods for the Holidays at Sierra 2 Center

Creative, thoughtful, hand-crafted gifts without breaking the bank, getting trampled by crowds, or filling the landfills with packaging waste.

Saturday, December 8th
12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
on the South End of the Sierra 2 Center (Curtis Hall & Room 10)
Admission & Parking: free!


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