Renew or sign up as a Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association (SCNA) member and receive this fun and “loving” yard sign. Want one for your favorite neighbor? They are just $10 each (while supplies last).  Stop by the office to pick one up.

Let’s turn Curtis Park red with “love”!

What is SCNA?

In the 1970’s, Curtis Park residents banded together to save the old Sierra School from demolition. Thus was born the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association and a dynamic center for cultural and educational activities. Few neighborhoods are fortunate enough to have an active, well-managed association working to bring neighbors together. SCNA gives the Sierra Curtis neighborhood a common voice, family entertainment, and a community center, which is the architectural and social centerpiece of the neighborhood.

Why Become a Member?

Your SCNA membership helps sustain the Sierra 2 Center and ongoing neighborhood events and activities. Gifts and memberships to SCNA may be tax deductible, for the amount over any compensation received in return; consult your tax advisor. Membership Benefits include:

  • Individual Member: $40
    • Voting privilege for one in the annual SCNA Board of Directors Election
    • Free home delivery of Viewpoint newspaper
    • Discount on SCNA special events including the annual Wine Tasting and Home & Garden Tour
    • A yearly Sierra 2 Center room rental discount
  • Household Member: $50
    • All of the above plus:
    • An additional voting privilege in the annual SCNA Board of Directors Election
    • Discount for two tickets to SCNA special events, including the annual Wine Tasting and Home & Garden Tour
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  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
  • Sun 9am-5pm (Oct-Feb)

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