All SCNA members and Curtis Park neighbors are encouraged to attend the SCNA annual association membership meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 6:30-8:30PM in Curtis Hall. In addition to staff reports, neighbors will hear two new speakers. One will talk about the proposed new Central Valley route for Amtrak that would include a stop at City College.

The other is Assemblymember Kevin McCarty. He’s expected to talk about top issues in the state.

SCNA President Eric Johnson will start the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The agenda includes the election of board members; an update on SCNA projects a financial report from Executive Director Terri Shettle and a vote on a proposed change in the bylaws that set the boundaries of the neighborhood.

If the proposed boundary change is approved, the area north of Sutterville, east of Freeport and west of the UP rail line would no longer be inside the boundary of the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association. This area is in the boundary of the Land Park Community Association and in District 4; Curtis Park is in District 5.

The financial report will show Sierra 2’s annual income at $820,446 for the fiscal year 2016-17. Terri will have details at the meeting.

At the meeting members can renew their membership and neighbors can join. Only members can vote in the board election. Annual membership is $40 for an individual and $50 for a household.

The association is planning to serve beer and wine at the meeting.



  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
  • Sun 9am-5pm (Oct-Feb)

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