I generally spend time around the holidays letting those with whom I work and play know how much I appreciate their friendship and support. Here is my list:

To those who have put their trust in me to represent them on City Council, thank you. I appreciate your support in my re-election and do not take it for granted. I will continue to work hard to represent each of the neighborhoods and all the residents and businesses in District 5.

I will work on projects such as the Mercado on Franklin Boulevard, the Del Rio Trail in the south area, the Med Zone in Oak Park, the tree nursery in Mangan Park and many others. My staff and I will be responsive to the daily needs and desires of all of our constituents, whether speed bumps or saving trees in our neighborhoods.

To my staff at City Council and WayUp, thank you for your dedication to the issues we care deeply about, particularly increasing support for Sacramento’s young people. We will focus on improving and increasing the skills, capacities, resources and opportunities young people need to be successful in school, career and life.

To those I work with on City Council and in the community, thank you for all you do for our city. I look forward to working collaboratively and compassionately on the tough issues before us. I hope we can be creative and innovative as we seek to eradicate the issues that keep others from succeeding.

To my wife, Sacramento County School Board member Bina Lefkovitz, thank you for what you do every day to support young people throughout the state. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to support my career and allow me to do this job. I have learned over the last year that it can be difficult to be the spouse of an elected official, but I am glad to let you have the spotlight. You deserve it.

This is a pivotal time for our city. With the passage of Measure U, we will have significant new resources with which to attack our largest challenges. We must work together to ensure that those resources are spent thoughtfully and carefully in a manner that expands our economy and supports those most in need.

To everyone, I wish you happy holidays, a healthy new year, and much success.

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