Executive director

Terri Shettle reported that the 24th Street Theatre campaign has received contributions of $30,000. We are $10,000 short of our $40,000 for the matching SMAC grant for seat replacements. For this part of the fundraising, there is a friendly competition between streets in Curtis Park to sponsor the most seats. The next stage of the capital campaign will be to raise $30,000 toward stage repairs, new carpet, curtains, interior painting and new exterior sign.

Sierra 2 staff members met with Kim Tucker from Impact Foundry to share concerns and practices that would keep administration running smoothly.


Jonathan LaTurner reported the committee will meet in April. The balance sheet shows expenses were $2,000 over budget, but the overall financial health is strong.

The committee will be presenting a financial policy statement at the next board meeting. SCNA will need to continue its capital campaign for theater improvements.


Work on the facility lease continues, with general data from years ago researched and sent to city officials. When the lease proposal is drafted, the board will finalize it and send it to Councilmember Jay Schenirer.


Kat Haro is the new development chair. With her years of experience in advertising and marketing, she will bring a fresh perspective to the committee.


Jonathan is the new committee chair. He reported he will be examining retirement plans and make recommendations to reorganize staff work stations.

Neighborhood Concerns

John Mathews and Dan Pskowski reported that the Neighborhood Concerns Committee is following up on two items from 2017. One is to contact the city’s Department of Public Works regarding unauthorized driveway approaches and seek authorization to allow existing modifications to remain in place. The second item is to apply to the city parks department to install a wrought iron fence, plaque, and contemplation seat around the Peace Tree planted in collaboration last fall with the United Nations Association.

The plans for the new homes in Crocker Village were submitted for board examination and comment.

Senior Center

Angela Mia reported the Sacramento Women’s Area Network donated $1,025 to the center. Intern Kate Lauter is working on new open house concepts. The My Story Project is working with Heather Hogan to update marketing of the project to appeal to the children of seniors so they can encourage their parents to tell their stories.

Egg hunt

The annual Spring Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday March 31, with a pajama parade starting at 9:30 a.m. at William Curtis Park, followed by face painting, crafts and an egg hunt at Sierra 2 Center’s Curtis Hall. Board members signed up to volunteer for shifts during both the home tour and egg hunt events.

Strategic Plan

Kim Tucker of Impact Foundry presented the new plan in two parts—headline goals and strategies. There was a recommendation to revise our by-laws to reflect best practices for nonprofits, which will be considered and presented to SCNA members.


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