Sierra 2 Center is organizing a Friday Night Dinner To Go on March 12 in support of La Famiglia Catering, a tenant that has been hit especially hard by restrictions on public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

La Famiglia caterers Jeff Roberts and Leo Forget have operated their business out of the Garden Room kitchen for nearly 25 years. They have been generous with their support of SCNA by participating in the annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction, supplying Sierra 2 staff with yummy treats and snacks throughout the year, and donating meal services to board retreats and staff gatherings.

Sierra 2 hopes to return the caterers’ generosity by helping to keep their business going.

The minimum order is an Italian dinner kit for two for $35. La Famiglia’s dinner features a Chicken Parmesan dinner, including a choice of lasagna Bolognese with meat or vegetarian lasagna Alfredo, Caesar salad, breadsticks and cannoli. Additional meal kits are $17.50 per person.

To place an order, call Leo Forget at 916 470 5849. All orders must be pre-paid by credit card by March 8. All major credit cards will be accepted.

Pickup will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 12, in the parking lot behind Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th St. Enter the parking lot from Fourth Avenue.

All Italian dinner kits will be individually boxed and prepared using COVID guidelines.

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