Curtis Park entrepreneurs Marco Guizar and Katelyn O’Neil, with Ken O’Shea of Land Park, the co-owners of the newly expanded FITSOM Studios, are helping the neighborhood to shape up with new offerings based on their four pillars of wellness – mindset, breathing, massage and movement.
All four pillars are components of 25 weekly group movement classes, one-on-one sessions, and self-care classes.

Self-care is central to FITSOM. Self-massage, using simple tools, is taught to reduce deep knots and chronic pain at home and on the road. “Tune Up,” taught by Debra Panatoni, is a favorite of older members, focusing on resolving long-term pain.
Functional movement trains members to apply posture, form, and balance for a good workout with long-term benefits and reduced pain.
The Wim Hof Method combines cold thermogenesis, breathing and mindset work for improved energy and immune function.
Z-Health consciously links the nervous system with movement to improve performance.
With the expansion of space, FITSOM grew from 900 to 4,700 square feet. New space includes a large back room for loud, energetic movement classes and quieter breathing and self-care sessions. The sunny front room, which long ago was an auto repair shop, is now filled with sofas, book shelves, coffee service and work tables, making a welcoming and relaxing place to meet up with friends, join in a book club, or enjoy coffee and a newspaper. Adjoining rooms provide quiet space for neuromuscular and prenatal massages.
When Marco returned from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2011, he named the studio FITSOM, an acronym for Fit State of Mind because he understood the comprehensive toll that pain and stress take on human physical and mental health.
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From the start, FITSOM owners have been focused on Curtis Park community service. On many Saturday mornings, they can be found in the park at 8 a.m. teaching free breathing classes. They host workshops in collaboration with the Sacramento Food Co-op, and run veterans groups each month.
In April, trainers will travel to Paradise to teach elementary students affected by the recent fires how to use self-care massage for stress relief.
FITSOM will host an open house at the renovated studio at 2512 Franklin Blvd. on Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be opportunities to meet staff, learn about services and try self-care techniques. The community is invited to join or watch a movement class at 9 a.m., breathing techniques at 10:15 a.m. and a Tune-Up class at 11:30 a.m.
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