We are seeking artists to submit concepts for a one-of-a- kind, permanent art piece for the front lobby or foyer of the Theater at Sierra 2 Center recognizing the donors who helped to fund the remodel. It can be small stand alone pieces with a donor recognized per piece or pieces of a whole… were looking for creative and artistic ideas.

Requirements & Limitations

  • Donors should be recognized by name, a list will be provided (approx. 250 names)
  • The space is a public thoroughfare, frequented by children of all ages, the work must be durable and easy to clean and maintain.
  • Because the building is historic, the method in which the piece is installed must limit any structural damage to the building.
  • Exact location is yet to be determined, could be in the inside lobby or the foyer, space available is approximately 3-5 feet wide by up to 6 feet tall.
  • We have a number of vintage theater seats that may be incorporated into the piece.
  • No part may move freely as to not trigger motion sensor alarms in the facility.

About the Theater

The Theater at Sierra 2 Center, built in the California Mission style in 1929 from plans by landmark architects Dean & Dean, is an ideal setting for large meetings, lectures, film screenings and performances. The interior architecture, including wood beams and chandeliers, stage configuration and dressing rooms date to the original construction of the auditorium in 1929. sierra2.org/theatre/ 

The Lobby

The Exterior Foyer


Please submit 1-3 idea concept/s, a visual rendering, budget and a C.V. to be considered. Deadline for ideas is August 24th.  Project will commence in September with the unveiling near the end of 2018. We request the artist attend an unveiling ceremony in the winter, date TBD. With a majority of the funds raised going towards the theater restoration itself, there are limited finds for the artwork. Please budget a total cost of no more than $2000 to include both materials, installation, and artist stipend.

Please direct questions and submittals to [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this project!

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